Tuesday, 28 April 2015


Adverts the bane of most people's lives these days, but a bit less "in your face" back in the day.
Usually a couple of pages in programs, and you would see a few of those big hoardings on your way to the ground.
Today we have to put up with everything being sponsored, the competitions, shirts, boots etc. plus those really annoying animated boards around the pitch.
Kids can't sit down near to the pitch because the advertising boards have to be a certain size, and some clubs have removed seats to accomodate them.

Anyway here's a few ads from old programs I have  :)

Bovril :)
As drunk by all Northerners ... so I've heard :)

Double Diamond, not politically correct and bottles banned in most grounds now, although some seem to make it through? Not sure why you have to wear goggles to drink it :)

The Radio Times, from back in the day when the only way to take in a live game was to go or listen to the commentary on your transistor radio.

Yardley, I used to work up the road from the factory.
Used to smell horrible, and I was told it wasn't the best place to work.

Dunlop football boots.
Sir Trev supposedly wore these so they must be magic :)

More modern one here, young Frank before we all went off him :)
Columnist with the Newham Recorder.

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